This is pretty nifty app for anyone who likes Pokemon. What are there now? 493?? Wow... Anyway, this app will take you through ALL of the things you need to be a Pokemon Master! Let me get you a list of all the stuff it does:
To find your Pokemon
•See all the Pokemon by number or in alphabetical order
•You can search
•Browse by type
Getting the info on the Pokemon
•You can then find general info
•It's stats
•Breeding info
•Training info
•It's full evolution process
•All of the moves it can learn in all the games
•and where you can find each one in every game
This app really has everything!! The pictures are all clear, the info is amazing, and it's just an overall awesome app. Two things i would like to see in an update though: landscape support and maps of the different regions. Aside from that, this app gets 5 out of 5 stars hands down.
Its is the possessive form of the pronoun. It's means it is. If you can, fix your grammar and delete this comment :p