I just bought this case at Radioshack and I really love it. It's called the HybridShell for the iPod Touch 2g. On the back it is clear so you can see the back of your iPod and on the edges it has great looking green silicone. It is is ultra-thin but offers a lot of protection. This case comes with a screen protector as well which is an awesome touch.
The only problem I had with this case was that it was a bit hard to get on. They give you instructions on how to do it, but still was a little annoying... Now that it IS on though, it was worth the effort because it is such a nice looking case.
You can probablly pick this case up in a lot of electronic places or even eBay! I actually got mine on sale for $5 on clearance but the tagged price for one of them is $24.99. Don't let the "high" price discourage you though, it is well worth it.
Adam its Tanner, your reviews are really good, and if you need any help with reviewing an appm or a case that I may have that you do not, I would be happy to help...Plus I am getting iPhone for christmas. This means you could expand you site to more than just an ipod touch